Nicolas Barbou

Efter flera år hos Jean Yves Bizot och Buisson Vadot flyttade Nicolas tillbaka till Oisly i Tourraine för att producera några av världens bästa viner på Sauvignon blanc, vinerna är i en (tröttsamt ord)  burgundisk stil och har redan nu förändrat dom flestas synsätt på hur druvan och området.

Nicolas filosofi sammanfattar han bäst själv

“You have here my philosophy about the world of wine. Art and wine are the superior joys of the free man. This quote from Aristotle, which sums up my ideology of the world of wine. Wine is an art. The correlation between them is the foundation of my philosophy. The second aspect is the free man. Only the free man is able to make his philosophy understood through a wine

After watching, learning, and understanding my various adventures, I wanted to make my own wine with common sense, thoughtfulness, emotion and passion. My vision consists of a few questions- what wines do I want to make? How can my bottles become a piece of art ? How to free myself from the known ?

It is in this spirit that I committed to the following, grassing between the rows, vinification in barrels and long aging. Nothing is given, I have appropriated this freedom so as not to be constrained and to be able to put my foundations in place.

That’s why, my project is to make emotional wine with different varieties (Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Chenin, Gamay, Pinot noir). The first one is Sauvignon with old vines in Touraine. Utopie créative is my project but my really my mentality – dreamer, sensible passionate and creative”